Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mid week deer widow

It was a beautiful day today and I got one load on the line and ready to come off.  Unfortunately someone had a tissue in their pocket so there are bits of paper over all the clothing.  How does one bitty tissue manage to cover a whole load of clothes?  Nothing out there that is what I would think of as dress clothes so I'm not taking extreme measure, such as running them through the dryer on no heat, but I do have that option.  Well, maybe the jeans.

I'm debating about whether to hang another load out tonight but since it's whites and the googleplex of socks, I think I'll wait until tomorrow.  I'm still fighting the fatigue and depression so I think I will just bring the clothes in (or dare I leave them out to soften with the morning dew?) and then go to bed to watch tv and knit.  I decided against the Mario blanket as you can't really see the design in the square at all.  It just looks like random purls over a stockinette background.  I'll come up with something else to knit for Zach.  His birthday is next month, less than 3 weeks actually, so it will have to be something small and easy to knit...or crochet.

I'm making progress on the plain sweater and the poncho but I'm getting bored with them.  I need something a bit challenging.  Without buying more yarn.  I'm re-thinking the blanket again except I'm not sure I have enough yarn of one color to make it now.  Maybe just another blanket that is challenging and doesn't require one color.  I found a pattern in my old crochet books from the 90s (why does that seem so long ago?) of a round blanket.  Now to decide between Caron or Vanna's Choice.

I had a phone call last night from a pollster for the election.  The bias of the questions led me to believe this was a Republican poll because there were so many questions about the Democratic candidates that were negative with no positive answers to them.  And only one semi-tough question about the Republican candidate.  I knew polls didn't reflect the real questions.  Now I know for sure.

My blood sugar was still high this morning but not outrageously high.  But only my fasting tests are high.  Everything else is fact, mostly on the low end of what is acceptable.  I don't get it but I'll dig through my book to see if I can find an answer.

Professor killed one of the chipmunks last night but this morning saw another one just out of reach.  I hate to see him kill anything but they are pests and we would be knee deep in them if he didn't.  I praised him but he didn't seem to notice because his blood lust was up and he was looking for more.  

I'm going to leave the clothes out there to soften since I'm so stinking tired from errands that had to be done today.  Tomorrow is going to be a day of many at-home chores though.  I haven't gotten anything done this week and I'm wasting an opportunity here.

One can only do so much though.

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