Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Comatose Tuesday

If yesterday was lazy, today was positively comatose. Well, I did up the dishes and am getting ready to make some soup for supper but nothing...and I mean nothing...got done today. And I liked it!

I slept well last night. And long. Maybe it's the single digit temperatures out there (with wind chill of -7) but I just cozied up in my housecoat and sweats and did nothing.

So tomorrow I have much to do including laundry. I'm hoping I can just walk on top of the snow so I don't have to shovel it to get to the clothes line but I know that's a dream. I will have to shovel while the first load is washing. It should be near 20F tomorrow with temps in the 30s the next two days so my clothes should be dry in a day or two. Most likely 2 days. Heaven knows I have plenty to do in spite of my intention to keep up better and dry the clothes inside on racks. But the outdoors was too seductive so I held off.

I was going to bake bread today but I'll do that tomorrow as well. And cleaning up the basement pantry.

Today is for lazing about and not driving to Fond du Lac. I'm really enjoying that more than anything else.

And watching Farscape season 1. And the great commentaries that go with it. I might end up having to watch around the clock to get done in time to turn it back in since I can't renew it. Too long a waiting list.

Off to fix supper and early to bed.


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