Friday, April 17, 2009

Is Spring really here?

I have become that crabby old lady I feared in my youth.

Yesterday on my way to Beaver Dam, someone tried to enter the one way street I was driving on from the opposite way and I threw my hands up in the air and mouthed that it was a one-way street.  I felt so bad when I discovered it was an older woman (yes...there are people out there older than me...) and she was mortified when she discovered what she had done.  We waited patiently for her to turn around and go the right direction, but I felt so bad for making her feel worse.  Then I felt bad that I probably wouldn't have felt bad if it had been a kid or someone younger.

Then, when I tried to back out of my angle parking space at the library, some kids walked behind the car just as I was starting to move.  And just stood there.  My back-up lights were on and they made eye contact with me and giggled.  But they just stood there.

Now, apart from jumping out of the car and getting arrested for battery, what could I do?  I just sat there waiting patiently until they moved on.

Of course, inside I was using language that wasn't very polite.

I've become my grandparents.  Horrors!!

On the plus side, it's been beautiful the past few days.  I got nothing done because of the fatigue but it's still been heartening to see sunshine and grass turning green.  I wanted to plant some things today but I only got 2 hours sleep last night so I've been dragging all day.  I got an hour nap but it only allowed me to stay awake when I went to get my prescriptions and pick Zach up from work.  It didn't imbue me with energy.

Tomorrow will be another hectic day with Zach in West Bend all morning, but I intend to stop by Hobby Lobby for art supplies and to look at their yarn.  I'm only in the market for sock yarn right now.  I don't need anything else.

And speaking of yarn, I'm really loving the beaded scarf project even though I keep dropping stitches and have to tink back a few rows.  Several times.  I'm savoring it by only knitting one repeat a day.  Sometimes only half a repeat if I have to tink a lot.

And the blanket is slowly growing.  No pictures, I'm afraid.  I forgot (lack of sleep does things to my memory) and now I don't feel like setting it all up.  

In fact, I'm not fixing supper tonight.  Tom went up north to his brother's place to celebrate his birthday so we've got the weekend free.  I can't tell you how liberating it is.

So I won't.

I hope to get some things planted next week though.  Zach has class on Mondays again so I probably won't get to it until Thursday.  The things in the pots are growing.  Still no idea what anything is except the cat grass.  And I think there is some catnip in that pot.  I know I planted green peppers but I'm not sure in which pot.  I think my lavender is coming up.  I've been trying for over a year to grow it but nothing ever comes up.  I think it's going to work this time.

Hopefully I'll get to bed early tonight because we have to get up early tomorrow morning.  I'll try not to get too interested in television so I won't fight sleep and I'll take a pain pill ahead of time so I don't wake up after an hour of sleep last night in pain and not be able to get back to sleep until 6 a.m.  At least I won't get woken up at 8 a.m. by someone who decides to slam doors and stand by the side of my bed and talk loudly to the pets while playing with them. least that won't happen.  Especially since I'll have to leave by 8 a.m. to get Zach to school tomorrow.

Well, I'm off to put some clothes in the dryer.  I was just too danged tired to hang anything more out (I got the a load of whites out) and I need something to wear tomorrow.  Plus, I do think I'll fry up some hamburgers, but that's it.  Then I'm going to hop into bed by 8 and maybe get to sleep by 10.

I'm so boring.



knittingdragonflies said...

I did get a little lavender to grow last year. First year that it did. It doesn't look like it is coming back. Everyone says it is easy to grow.
Glad to know someone else is having trouble.
Spring is here. Yea!

AlisonH said...

Not to encourage anybody to lose one's temper, but--you might look at it this way. If that little old lady is someone who shouldn't be driving anymore, then having that fact brought home emotionally might make it more likely she'll give up her keys. It was a little thing that might stop a bigger thing from happening, is my thought.

Kathy said...


The lavender still isn't coming up. I'm trying one more time. If I can't get it to grow, I'll maybe just buy a bush next spring. Or maybe I should look it up in my Encyclopedia of Country Living. Duh. I didn't even think of that.

Kathy said...

I should have been more patient since that road hasn't always been one way. We're experiencing road construction so that road has been changed for the duration.

I think it could have happened to anyone.