Monday, January 26, 2009

To whom it may concern

I'm in an insomnia phase once again.  It would help if I could sleep late but my situation seems to prevent that from happening.  I can't help it if I wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep.Or if sleep just won't come.  It's not something I plan and it's certainly not something I enjoy.  So please quit slamming the door shut when you get in from work in the morning, quit talking loudly to the pets and quit hollering from the kitchen for the dog who is under the covers with me, just so you can give him a treat he doesn't want.

Oh, and quit playing with the dog on top of me while I'm trying to sleep as well.

And while I'm on a roll, quit falling asleep on the couch on the weekends for the whole day and evening with the remote in your hands so I'm limited to boring documentaries.  You have a bedroom to sleep in. You have a room to watch television in.  I only have the living room.  You can't imagine how boring my weekends are and why I really hate them.

Please don't stand there with the door wide open when you are putting the leash on Professor to let him out.  Bring the leash in, shut the door, hook him up and then let him out.  And while you're watching him, you can shut the inside door.  You don't need to stand there with that door open while you're waiting for him to get done with his business.  Also, don't bitch about the house being too cold if you're not going to help keep the heat in.

And if you're not going to fill the car up when it's low, at least tell me so I can leave early enough to take care of it myself.  Don't you remember the one time I forgot to tell you the gas was low until you were on your way out the door and you blew your stack?  I can't tell you the number of times I've left to take Zach to school and found out I didn't have enough gas to get there.

The reason I don't have these conversations with you?  Because you get bent out of shape and bring up every thing I've ever done in the past and even things you've only imagined I've done and throw them in my face.  I'm tired of your temper and your two-year-old tantrums, but as I'm kind of stuck here, I've learned to walk on eggshells and not criticize you.  The only reason I can say it here is because I don't matter enough for you to read my blog.

Sorry to everyone else who has read my diatribe.  Lack of sleep combined with untreated depression plus Mr. Moody's mood swings has put me in Crankyville.  I've got to get up early to take Zach to school tomorrow so I doubt I'll be getting rested up until at least Thursday.

Hopefully the mood of this blog will improve when I finally get some sleep.


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