Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can I keep up this pace?

I went to get my test strips today for my glucometer and nearly fainted.  The insurance won't pay for them and they were $97!!!  How on earth are diabetics supposed to test their blood?  I asked the pharmacy tech at StuffMart if there were any cheaper choices and she showed me a meter whose strips are only $45.  Only.

I'm tired.  Being frugal-er than I have been means a lot more work.  I had to cook supper before I left today, at 3 p.m., (I started it at 9 a.m) and tonight I had to start supper before I go to bed because we leave before noon.  And I'll have to get up early to finish it.  But hey...apparently I haven't been frugal before so now I have to get to it.

I haven't had much time to myself aside from time spent in the car.  And today I just played video games instead of knitting. So now I feel guilty for not spending more time on the knitting.  Although I did spin a lot last night while I was not sleeping.  Yet again.  I hope I sleep tonight because I'll be in the car all day tomorrow.  Although I might just take a long nap.  Especially if it rains.

And I'm at the halfway point now.  But tonight I'm going to knit because I miss it and I need to accomplish something.  I did wear some of my worsted socks today and felt all cozy in them.  (I take my shoes off while I curl up in the back seat.)

I haven't done a lot of talking about knitting much lately.  A lot of whining and some blathering, but not much to do with knitting.  Mostly it's because my projects are endless taking so long and are so... ordinary.  

And since I'm not going to take antidepressants, I need to do whatever it takes to raise those seratonin levels on my own.  I walked around the parking lot a few times today, but not all at once.  And yesterday I found a route in the school that gives me a workout because of the stairs and all.  I'll save that for rainy days.  Tomorrow I'll try two laps around the parking lot at once.

Off to bed to watch Buffy and then the Ghost Hunters episodes that I taped.


1 comment:

Kay-From the Back Yard said...

Kathy, I have been watching this podcast for awhile now and really enjoy the brief walk along the Hawaiian beach...
Beach Walks with Rox

I think you might like it!